How Often Should I Clean My Roof?
There are many different factors to consider when figuring out how often should I clean my roof? If you have trees nearby, the leaves from the trees will cover your roof and make it difficult to see what might be going on up there. You also have to take into account rainfall, wind, and temperature-all of which could affect the frequency with which you need to clean your roof.
There are several factors you need to consider when answering this question. If your roof is particularly tall, it may take longer for leaves and other plant material to fall off as they would on a shorter structure, such as an average two-story home. In addition to the height of the house, there is also wind and rainfall to take into consideration because each element will aid in how soon debris ends up atop your roof. The frequency that you should clean your roof will vary depending upon location and climate.

For example: let’s say you live in Seattle where it rains almost every day during certain times of the year. It could be necessary to clean the surface at least once a month or more! But if you live in a more arid climate, such as Arizona, it is extremely important to make sure that roof is clean. This area receives very little rainfall therefore the likelihood of debris accumulating on your roof is greater. You could need to clean your roof at least once a week or even every day depending on what’s going on top of the structure.
The following are further considerations for when trying to determine how often you should clean your roof:
1. Roof height-If your roof is particularly tall, it may take longer for leaves and other plant material to fall off as they would on a shorter structure, such as an average two-story home.
2. Wind speed-The faster the winds are blowing, the more likely it that this speed will send fallen leaves onto your roof which can cause damage if left unattended for too long.
3. Wind direction-If the majority of prevailing winds are coming from a certain direction, you might want to consider positioning the ladder in that direction when cleaning your roof. If strong winds are constantly blowing from odd angles and directions, it is best to clean your roof more frequently because of this.
4. Weather patterns-If there has been an increase in rainfall, leaves may have a difficult time escaping the wrath of precipitation so clean up around the home will need to be done more often or at least with greater intensity than normal. In addition, heavy rainfall can mean that fallen items have a greater chance of ending up on your roof because they cannot travel as far due to high amounts of water in the atmosphere which could lead to damage if left for too long.

5. Tree location-Leaves from trees will cover your roof and make it difficult to see what might be going on up there. You also have to take into account rainfall, wind, and temperature-all of which could affect the frequency with which you need to clean your roof.
In conclusion, there are many factors that must be considered when attempting to determine how often one should go about cleaning their house from above ground level. The height and location will play a major role but with proper upkeep and inspection, a smart homeowner can prevent any type of damage from occurring which could lead to costly repairs down the road!
Nashville Roof Cleaners
1050 Glenbrook Way, Hendersonville, TN 37075
(615) 581-1581